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What is a cake smash & when should you book a cake smash sessions?

Updated: Aug 11, 2021

To someone entirely unfamiliar with the idea of a cake smash photography session it may seem weird, to say the least. After all, why would you order a beautiful cake, dress up a 12-month old…and then take numerous photos of the child destroying the yummy cake and getting all messy?

Cake smashes are very popular, bringing families together in a unique, fun and memorable way.

The cake smash may well be your little one’s first introduction to the oozy goodness of cake. Any younger and the baby might not care for it for example how often has a baby enjoyed the box more than the gift at Christmas? The first birthday seems to be the perfect age to introduce cake!

A mostly-unconsidered advantage of a cake smash photography session for a first birthday (particularly in a studio) is the bath scene. Every little one-year-old needs a bath, but this way you can have fun bathing your little one knowing that the cake smash mess will be fully cleaned… by someone else, for once.

Cake smash photography sessions are done around the baby’s first Birthday between 11 & 12 months , the photos can then be used for party invitations, display board at the party or simply the perfect way to celebrate your baby's first birthday or like the image below you can add them to those funny, embarrassing 21st photos!! 📷😂

Themes doesn’t necessarily have to be characters, eras or anything like that: sometimes you may choose to simply pick a few colours that go well together and go from there!

For instance, an outdoor shoot calls for all things natural and bright, such as flowers, animals and so on a natural theme is perfect for adventurous families.

Of course, when it comes to character or animal themes, you have plenty of exciting options limited only by your imagination! Some of the most popular themes for girls include Unicorn, Mermaid, Princess, or Disney characters. Boys generally like being sent into space, playing with cars, as well as being surrounded by famous superheroes. And remember – there are no truly “boy” or “girl” themes – just pick something your little one is most excited about to put a smile on their little face.

Colours that work well together are

  • Pink/Yellow/Blue/White

  • Gold/Red/Black

  • Navy/Silver

  • Navy/Pink

  • Navy/Turquoise/Blue

  • Purple/Orange/Turquoise

  • Grey/Orange/Blue

  • Black/Gold

  • Navy/Gold

  • Black/Pink/Gold

A cake smash session is most definitely a beautiful mess. Some recommend outdoor photoshoots for an extra dash of playfulness and this can be a much easier to clean up However, both indoor and outdoor cake smash photoshoots have their advantages and disadvantages.

Outdoors: Pros:

  • One pro of outdoor cake smash shoots is the ease of cleanup, whether it be via a hose, wet wipes, paper towels or something else. Even better if the venue you choose for your photos has a kid's pool – even the cleanup can be fun!

  • Outdoor cake smash photography can be more playful and fun.

  • With all the beauty of the outdoors, props are mostly unnecessary.


  • The weather and sunshine limit the schedule. Photos are best taken before 11 a.m. or after 6 p.m. to avoid the heat in the summer and dehydration and to ensure the overall health of all those involved in the photoshoot.

  • Lighting! Bad weather can affect the overall quality of your experience, session and images.

  • With an outdoor shoot, depending on your surroundings, the baby may be distracted by a stray bird or the breeze.

Indoors: Pros:

  • You control what distracts your baby. Indoors you can choose the setting to avoid distractions.

  • Familiarity with the surroundings may be another point in favour of the indoor cake smash. If you choose to do the shoot in your home, you will be very familiar with your surroundings, including the places that will have the best lighting, fewest distractions, and where the baby is happiest.

  • Indoor cake smash photography sessions in the studios often include a bath scene, as opposed to an outdoor shot in which you will have to clean up your baby with minimal resources.


  • Cleanup may be inconvenient. Icing can stain surfaces and get into crevices in the most uncanny of ways.

Indoor shoot or outdoor shoot? In the end, it is your decision.

Both indoor and outdoor cake smash photography shoots have their pros and their cons. The best choice will depend on your situation, your baby on any given day, and your preferences!

Here is a link with more information on my sessions or how to make a booking.

I hope you found this quick read insightful!

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